Program Laboratorium Ipa Smp
Program Kepala Laboratorium Ipa Smp

Nama / NPM Sovia Angginta / 06010153 Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Pembimbing I Drs. Ardi Pembimbing II Dr. Ruth Rize Paas Megahati Tahun 2016 Abstrak: This study is purposed to find out the availability of equipments, and utilization and organization of science/IPA laboratorium in Junior High School (SMP) at Ranah Batahan district. This study was descriptive research. Based on study that had been conducted, it was described information about the availability, utilization and organization of IPA laboratorium in SMP at Ranah Batahan district on year of academic 2015/2016.
Program Laboratorium Ipa
This study was conducted from May-July 2016. Population in this study was IPA laboratorium in SMP at Ranah Batahan district on year of academic 2015/2016. Data analysis technique in this study was statistic-qualitative analysis, where data and information which obtained in field were described qualitatively. Result of analysis was obtained the highest percentage of equipment availability was in SMPN 1 which amounted to 95.73% which was good category, lowest percentage of equipment availability was in SMPN 3 which amounted to 73.19% which was fair category, highest percentage of equipment utilization was in SMPN 2 which was excellent category, lowest percentage of equipment availability was in SMPN 3 which amounted to 79.63% which was fair category. While, highest percentage of equipment organization was in SMPN 3 which amounted to 96.193% which was good category, lowest percentage of equipment availability was in SMPN 2 which amounted to 85.15% which was fair category.