Type 99 Arisaka Serial Numbers

Japanese Arisaka Type 99
LSB#: 170503CM27 Make: Kokura Arsenal, Japan Model: Type 99 Arisaka Serial Number: 47884 Year of Manufacture: 1939 to 1943 Caliber: 7.7x58mm (7.7 Japanese) Action Type: Bolt Action, Internal Magazine Markings: There is no visible import mark. The top of the receiver is marked with the Imperial ownership seal, a “chrysanthemum”. It is also marked with three Japanese characters that translate to “99 Type”. The left side of the receiver is marked (from left to right) with the “22nd series” symbol, the serial number “47884”, the symbol for “Kokura Arsenal” and with 2 small Japanese marks. There is a line on the left of the barrel shank that matches a line on the receiver. The underside of the bolt handle, the underside of the bayonet lug, the firing pin, the inside of the safety and the rear of the dust cover are all marked “884”, the last three digits of the serial number. The rear of the bolt handle is marked with small Japanese stampings.
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